• A mold inspection is a non-invasive visual examination of a building and includes testing for mold

  • The purpose of the mold inspection is to attempt to detect the presence of mold by performing a visual inspection of the property, and collecting samples (both air samples and mold samples initially) to be analyzed by a laboratory.

  • The inspection includes searching the home for any possible breaches causing moisture issues to develop which contribute to mold problems, and includes taking moisture readings where warranted to try and pin-point the problem.

  • A written report is subsequently provided to the client after the laboratory analysis is completed.

  • Mold can exist in inaccessible areas such as behind walls and under carpeting. Mold also grows. The report is only indicative of the presence or absence of mold, and a mold inspection is valid for the date of such inspection.


Home Inspections, Mold Inspections, Indoor Air Quality Services

Identify, Evaluate & Resolve Any Mold Problems
Phone: 403.260.5380
  • Major areas inspected are: roof; exterior and grounds; basement, foundation and crawlspace; heating, cooling and ventilation systems; plumbing systems; attic, ventilation and insulation; doors, windows and interior. A mold inspection is not technically exhaustive, and will not identify concealed or latent defects.

  • A mold inspection is not a home inspection, and a mold inspection is also not a comprehensive indoor air quality inspection

  • Systematic will attempt to develop solutions to rectify the mold problems, and also prevent future mold growth from re-occurring, based on the inspection and analysis.

  • Short term mold solutions are also provided in conjunction with the mold inspection and testing services, as an interim step to help alleviate immediate problems, or in conjunction with any required remediation work from a third party remediation contractor.

  • Odor removal services are also provided when required.